Intelligent Data capability which simplifies Data consumption of Internal and External data sources

Our Engagement Lifecycle


  • Identify the problem
  • Understand expectations from solution
  • Define Solution and value proposition
  • Research and Evaluate possible alternates


  • Design thinking workshops to co-develop
    MVPs or Pilots
  • Feasibility assessment of initiatives
  • Incorporate feedbacks and suggestions
  • Prioritize the initiatives with highest impact


  • Identify opportunity for scaling the solution
  • Evaluate applicability to other business verticals
  • Make customizations to the current solution


  • Learn from the outcomes and Improve current deployments
  • Identify other areas of potential improvement

Data Products: Simplify, Integrate and Create reusability

Data products are combined, aggregated, customized and constantly refreshed views of clients, advisors, portfolio, products which are reused for all new AI tech development and deployments

Rapid reduction in Time to launch new

Fast track new applications in the same domain by as much as 50%

Retain knowledge across time & people

Ensure unique nuances of your data are captured and retained even with data providers or employees leaving over time

Save cost

Data products become the common source of information about a domain reducing storage/compute costs and for new capabilities launch

What is the need for a Unified framework of Data Products?

Universe of 1st party, 2nd party and 3rd party data provide a great opportunity to grow revenue, service customers better and to save significant cost. But it often leads to…

Time consuming activity

to deliver new insights every time a new request comes in

High cost of integration of new sources

& changes to underlying data layers

Siloed use of data across different business units :

Banking, Wealth & Commercial

Inconsistent build up of data feeds

on the platform based on ad hoc needs